24 April 2011

Miracles and REAL Healing

On April 25th, (1952) Baba answered questions, explaining various things, among them miracles:

"Why should we produce petty imitation illusions in the already created mighty infinite illusion? Unless absolutely necessary for the spiritual purpose of a general collective drawing of mankind toward Self-Realization, miracles performed unnaturally or supernaturally can interfere with God's ordained evolutionary process."

"What about healing?" someone asked.

"Real healing is spiritual healing, whereby the soul, becoming free from desires, doubts and hallucinations, enjoys the eternal bliss of God. Untimely physical healing might retard the spiritual healing. If borne willingly, physical and mental suffering can make one worthy of receiving spiritual healing. Consider mental and physical suffering as gifts from God, which, if accepted gracefully, lead to everlasting happiness."

Someone else inquired, "Will you break your silence during this trip to the West, Baba?"

Baba replied, "God has been everlastingly working in silence, unobserved, unheard, except by those who experience His Infinite Silence. If my silence cannot speak, of what avail would be speeches made by the tongue? The very moment when He thinks my speaking would be heard universally, God will make me break my silence.

"Most persons suffer because of their karma. A few suffer for others. Masters suffer for the whole universe."
Baba ended by spelling out, "God is not to be learned or studied or discussed or argued about. He is to be contemplated, felt, loved and lived.

Lord Meher, 1st. ed., Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 11, pp. 3782 - 3783.

The Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India are the copyright holders of all of Meher Baba's messages, discourses and photographs, unless otherwise stated.

20 April 2011

one coffee awakening

I've had the strangest experiences lately. It seems like, all of a sudden, I have a real life back!! Friends with whom I have lost touch, for what feels like centuries, have come back in contact, and I even had a "girl's weekend" with a long lost friend who found me out of the blue.

When I say "out of the blue" . . . boy am I serious. Since the holidays, I have never been more depressed in my life . . . and that is really something to say if you are chronically depressed like me. But, like I have said in a couple of earlier posts, life truly is getting better, and that's not just "singing in prison." I feel like a little kid, again, in a lot of ways . . . and I'm so happy for the future. FINALLY!!!

In usual fashion, I intend to toast this essay with a cup of coffee. It's my beverage of choice, usually, and for lack of anything stronger to put in it, I will add my usual dollop of cream and say, salud!! My intentions this evening are to bring the world along into greater awareness and awakening, and to keep the happiness rolling in my own life. Thanks, friends . . . and cheers!!!

14 April 2011

just an opinion, i suppose

Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

Excerpt from Baba's interview with James Douglas
published in the Sunday Express, April 10, 1932

Douglas: Is there a future life?
Baba: Yes. The soul does not die. It goes on from life to life till it is merged in God.
Douglas: Nirvana?
Baba: Yes. But not loss of the self.
Douglas: Does the self survive?
Baba: Yes. But it is merged in God. The soul is not the brain. It functions the brain. The brain is its instrument.

THE PERFECT MASTER, pp. 163-164, C. B. Purdom
1976 © Sheriar Press


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10 April 2011

the most amazing teacher, friend, and father — Twig Terwilleger

This was my life in 1999 when a man like this walked in and taught me how to punch.

Sorry everybody. And, thanks, Twig.

May you rest in peace but NEVER stop talking. lol!!!

02 April 2011

Spring re-*newal* or re-*fusal*????

No more discussions of holidays. It's so freaking depressing that I just can't stand it. In a previous life, I would be picking up pink and green and blue treasures made of sugar and chocolate, and planning more kid surprises, and I just can't think about that right now. So, bye bye holiday that sounds like the name of a Greek goddess and has mostly to do with a good boiled rabbit over the heath.

This weekend, it will be about a simple Sunday dinner in the crock pot . . . a turkey or chicken or soup made of lentils. Avoid candy as much as possible until further notice. I will put the idea of "resurrection" back where it belongs . . . in Baba's hands . . . and imagine what HE might say about a weird *springish* season in New England that just survived another snowfall and has very little blooming right now.

In true Christian fashion, I will praise Jesus and thank Him for the voluntary bloodletting. Considering how sick I have felt lately, I am so grateful for the infusion of something substantial and pure in this world, no matter how long ago it happened. Baba is no fraidy cat, either, and allowed His blood to be shed in car accidents on two continents, as well as enduring a horrible life ending that included blood transfusions and all kinds of painful indignities to His body. This on top of mental suffering and never ending work for the upliftment of humanity . . . men of dignity and honor, love and service, no matter how you want to decorate your scripture book. Thank you, darlings, and accept my eternal gratitude, praise, and prayers that I am worthy of a place in Your world in any way.

For me, life continues as I hope for a new future with some good times to come. Bloodshed aside, I've shed enough tears to qualify for at least a little poetry writing perhaps, if not scripture. Africa awaits, always, and if I don't "make it in Massachusetts" this time, there is a nice game preserve in Kenya that looks like it has some hungry lions. Hey, the Christians in Rome weren't afraid to face the toothy King of the Pride . . . it's always an option if I am feeling historically accurate to my spiritual path. Keep an open mind for me, though, because I don't have the money for airfare right now.

Ok, then, There's a happy "spring" thought full of sardonic good nature. Mazel tov.