She's 41 and her daddy still calls her baby.Logically, I know, that in the ridiculous hunt for Jesus "in a body," I am just plain out of luck in this lifetime . . . and probably every lifetime to come.
All the folks around Brownsville say she's crazy.
Because she walks downtown with a suitcase in her hand . . .
looking for a mysterious dark haired man.
I've done enough studying, of every spiritual tradition I can get my hands on (and mind around) to believe — for myself — that the return of the Avatar has already happened. I do not expect anybody else to join me in this belief . . . it is a belief of my own based on my own experience and needs. When we know, we know. When we believe . . . it's ignorant and destructive to try and force that belief on anybody. And, even when we know something, we are still never quite sure how much of our "knowledge" is simple hope and faith, with only a slightly more substantial basis in evidence. It's just my feeling on the subject, but you can quote me on it.
For me, personally, the person of Meher Baba was the embodiment of Christ, and He came and went by the time I was 4 years old . . . in a land halfway around the world from me. Whether I met Him in a past lifetime, either during His advent as Meher Baba, or during any other advent, I have no clear memory. I have had some dreams that allude to it, some fantasies on the subject, a sincere hope that it was so . . . but ultimately, it's all an illusion anyway, and THAT is something I know.
Today, through the grace of God, I was able to read the most powerful lesson on this subject that I have ever come across. It is written by Bhau Kalchuri, from an out of print book he wrote called Avatar of the Age: Meher Baba Manifesting.
God is always present in his real impersonal form, but it is impossible for people with gross consciousness to imagine this real form of God. The real, impersonal, infinite and indivisible form of God is utterly beyond imagination.This quote came from today's Quote of the Day link at There's a lot more there, and I encourage anybody who's interested in this kind of thing to take a look at this and the other writings compiled in the Anthology section of that site.
Imagination always creates forms, and the consciousness of individual limited imagination always feels convinced of the existence of anyone or anything so long as it has a form. So God, who is without form and body, has to take form and a human body, age after age, in order to convince humanity in illusion that God is infinite and without form or body.
Personally, for me, today's reading — and my life events of the last week — mean that the frantic marathon that has driven me for years is finally over. There's nowhere more to look for Jesus Christ. He's not hiding out somewhere among people I know . . . He's not waiting for me in some far away land . . . He's not about to be born to me or anybody else. "HE" is a concept, and no longer a conception as far as the world goes. Phew. Thank God that's over!!!!
To the people in my life who have suffered terribly from my abuse over this "search" that has had me lifting up your skirts and checking in your bathroom closets . . . I apologize profusely. If I haven't explained myself adequately enough to you, yet, we probably have about 40 more years in this lifetime to patch things up. I'm here, and I love you.
To Derek . . . congratulations!!!!! You win the prize of having the most convincing Jesus story of anybody I have ever met . . . and you are an agnostic at best, if not a straight out atheist of monumental proportions. It's a total and complete riot . . . and I thank God for finally making me laugh about this.
Now, it's time to wash the dishes. Have a great day, everybody.
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