16 July 2010

Betray my heart, and you will WIN yours!!! Mazel Tov


Eruch Jessawala

Betrayal is a necessary experience and helps one to turn away from falseness and turn towards the Truth, towards God.

Why do people turn to family and friends? Why not turn to Him as the first option, as our first choice? We never do that because our sanskaras are such that we always turn to falsehood; we turn to friends and family, but not to the One who is always with us from the very beginning to the end.

Why do we do this? It is because of falseness, because of Maya. When we are betrayed by this falseness repeatedly, when our family, friends and close ones betray us again and again and fail to live up to our expectations, then we begin to turn away from all this falseness.

This turning away because of the betrayals is the beginning of turning towards the truth.

If you were to depend on Him alone in all situations as your first choice, in fact, your only choice, then you will never experience betrayal. False love betrays, whereas True love supports you till the very end of your journey, until you merge in that True love, in the Truth. That is how it is.

THE TRUE TREASURE, Vol. 3, p. 50, Rustom B. Falahati
2009 © Rustom B. Falahati

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