07 April 2014

Back from a long break

I haven't posted a blog entry in a long time. Life has been going by, with its share of ups and downs. I lost my mother to lung disease in December 2013. That was particularly difficult. We had so many conflicts over the last few years, but in the last year of her life we were able to talk openly and heal many of the wounds. When she died, I had no regrets. I had made my peace with her and it felt really good.

I never made it to Africa. Maybe someday.

Now I am looking forward to a possible career change. I hope it works out. Along those lines I am happy to say that I have been volunteering to run some groups at a local recovery center. I lead a writer's group and a spirituality group. My new career will allow me to continue in the roll of counselor and support specialist for my peers who have struggled with mental illness. It is the culmination of some of my greatest dreams and I have a lot of hope for the future.

As Meher Baba says—"Have hope. I have come to help you in surrendering yourselves to the Cause of God and in accepting His grace of Love and Truth. I have come to help you in winning the one victory of all victories—to win yourself." I have found these words to ring true for me as the years go by. All of my hope rests in God and He never disappoints.

Blessings to one and all.

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