20 November 2010

looking for mr. right . . . mr. wrong . . . mr. how now? . . .
mr. right now!

Marriage is a funny thing
we make it so impossible to conceive
and yet we continue to believe
in its ultimate transcendence

But, it has nothing to do with a white dress.
i think in lavender, blue and green
and wonder about "forever"
and what it means

The idea is there of "soulmate"
but has anybody ever really mated the soul?

the "soul" is One in nature
the "soul" has no division
the "soul" is One in heart, and mind,
and kind, and vision

Does the God of All — the One and Only
find Himself alone, unloved, and lonely???

Is there more to know
than "the Bible tells me so???"
is it true, perhaps, that You
are "bigger" than Jesus, mr. Who?????

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